Arab Bridge Center office

established in 1996 to offer soil testing , site investigation and consulting studies authorized by the Jordanian Engineering association, since that time the office major concern has been employing a well-qualified stuff, well trained technicians and engineers.

The underground is often thought of as a “black box,” full of risk and uncertainty. Through expert analysis, design and discussion with our clients, we reduce the unknowns and get projects out of the ground on time and on budget . Every site poses a unique mix of challenges, such as tight space.

Arab Bridge Center Certificate

We have a "Certificate Of Accreditation" from Jordanian Accreditation System / Accreditation Unit, ( No. JAS Test – 079 ) for Mechanical and Physical Testing of Soil and Concrete.

Jordanian Standard JS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 which is equivalent to the International Standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017 .